Newcastle App

City showcase app for visitors and residents.


The Newcastle App, launched in June 2019, is a digital guidebook and resource to the beaches, nightlife, events and community resources of the fine city of Newcastle, Australia.
UX and UI
Mobile Apps
Admin Console
Screenshots of the Newcastle City app showing the landing page, places map and trail overview.

For visitors and residents.

The app developed for the City of Newcastle aimed to provide users with a guide to the city that went further than the regular top 10 destinations promoted through tourism channels.
The app includes a detailed listing of food, drink and accommodation venues as well as community resources, such as pools, libraries, parks and local governmet facilities. By drawing on data sources from businesses, council and augmented with clever direct management tools, the app was able to build a diverse and deep directory of places.
Along with events and guides, the app also includes commonly used forms for residents to report issues to council, such as fallen trees and waste collection problems.
Screenshots of the Newcastle City app showing a major event, walking trails and event listing.

Making data beautiful.

The brief for the Newcastle App did not just set out a range of features to tick off, the expectation was that the app would reflect the dynamism, creativity and renewal of Newcastle as it transformed from an industrial town, to a new knowledge-based service economy.
A large amount of effort was put into the visual design of the app and ensuring that the implementation of the app always considered the user experience. As the reality of the structure and vagaries of the data become known, the design was continually revisited and adapted, to re-order or recategorise content as needed.
We worked closely with the City of Newcastle to adapt the app to their needs, with custom design and development put towards a major events section and an ongoing 'night time' view highlighting businesses and events that keep Newcastle going after dark.
Screenshots and graphic of the Newcastle app showing live parking info and elements of the weather features.

A digital city.

Over the past 10 years, a core team at the City of Newcastle, backed by a far-sighted council, have striven to bring a range of digital innovations into the fabric of the city. The Newcastle App fits into that long-term strategy, and also benefits from much of the ground work undertaken in recent years.
Upcoming features for the Newcastle App will include live displays of the occupancy of individual parking spaces at all beach car parks, along with charts showing the busiest times of the week for the current season. Another feature will surface micro-weather data from 6 weather stations installed throughout the suburbs.
We Make Apps remains the close partner of the team at the City of Newcastle to this day.
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