
Driving event guided navigation app


Tourboss is a complete software solution for driving tours, rallies and test drives, featuring a bespoke multi-car guided navigation app.
UX and UI
Mobile Apps
Apple CarPlay
Android Auto
Client Portal
Screenshots of the Tourboss app

Driving event software.

The Tourboss system is designed for anyone that organises driving events, including promotional tours of new vehicle models, organised rallies, dealership test drives and even social driving groups.
A sophisticated web-based console lets organisers prepare the entire route for a driving event, combining waypoint-to-waypoint directions with a host of customisations to avoid tolls, gravel roads or overrides to take a route through private land. Participants are onboarded with ease, with different settings for license or insurance requirements depending on the event.
During the event, organisers have a live event view showing the current location of every vehicle, with current speed, driver name and a range of other data points. Post-event reporting features include complete routes for all drivers, plus a variety of visualisations and raw data exports.
Screenshot of the Tourboss app running in Apple CarPlay

More than guided navigation.

The Tourboss app itself is used by drivers during an event. The app provides a customised guided navigation interface, with the tour leaders able to see the current location of all other drivers directly in their own map.
Drivers are alerted when they're driving off-route, with a separately coloured route leading them back to the pre-defined event route. Fuzzy logic is used to respect driver decisions and snaps the redirect route to the next upcoming waypoint as the event progresses.
Most importantly, Tourboss is fully compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. The navigation map is implemented with custom drawing to show other driver locations and a range of Tourboss-specific elements on the map.
Screenshot of a map within the Tourboss portal

Safety first.

The Tourboss app has undergone rigorous testing, with thousands of hours of driving undertaken by a team ranging from dedicated technical testers, professional tour drivers and a wide group of engaged beta testers.
Tourboss includes a host of features to help make organised driving events safer than they have ever been before. Event organisers receive alerts when any driver is speeding, drifts off route or has simply stopped. Drivers have access to an SOS feature that will alert not only organisers, but also other nearby drivers. Finally a 'voice of god' messaging feature presents alerts directly at the top of the guided nav interface, allowing event organisers to alert drivers in real time of hazards or changed conditions.
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